Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Earnings post today after hours - PEIX

Today is the moment of truth for PEIX. And it shows all over the stock. The price is swinging wildly as people who have been holding are getting scared and selling, stock shorters are trying to cover and the rest of us are tired of the "keep waiting" attitude.

Yesterday's Seeking Alpha article was fantastic in explaining the future of this stock and what levels its price should be at over the next year. The question on all of our minds is "How quick will it get there?"

When will PEIX become a $30 stock? It could be as soon as tomorrow, although, if it hits that it'll likely drop back down as that's a target I believe many of the traders have of where they'd like to sell.

Pacific Ethanol will likely jump to $25 once the market opens and then I think it'll come back to $20 after a bunch of sells with people taking profits. Then over the next week, I think it will quickly climb up to the $30 range. In 3 months, look for it to get around $40. It will close the gap with GPRE and both should enjoy this stock price through next year.

Let the fun begin! Get in now if you haven't yet. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's already done all it's run up. The big run is coming. It's coming starting tomorrow.

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